I took this photo when I visited Tottori Sand Dunes in 2013 and it was so emotional that I decided to share it with you 😃.
Tottori Sand Dunes are often associated with desert-like sandy areas, but you can actually ride a camel 🐫.

This is a travel story.
It's quite an old topic, but I found a nice photo while organizing a folder, and it was kind of nostalgic, so I'll publish it .
The photos in this article were taken when I visited on April 28, 2013.
Tottori Sand Dunes and camels at Camel House.
The Tottori Sand Dunes are home to camels. Camels look really good in the magnificent sand dunes.
Oh, and the camel photo in this article was taken with permission from the photographer. By the way, back in 2013, there was a fee for taking pictures, so I paid for it, but I wonder how it is now.
There was a camel rental place called Camel House, so I asked them to take my daughter, who was in elementary school at the time, for a ride. It was really cool to see how lightly they carried my daughter. By the way, I made a mistake in selecting the photo shooting mode on my phone, which resulted in this color, but I think it looks rather exotic 😃!
Click here for the official website of Camel-ya, a camel rental shop where you can ride a camel.
Tottori got a lot of attention when the first Starbucks Coffee store was opened in April 2015, but in Shimane, there was a coffee shop called Sunaba Coffee before Starbucks was established. The name is just barely a homage to Starbucks, but it is a very serious coffee shop.
I drank Sunaba Coffee before Starbucks Coffee was established, and it was very good coffee, and I drink Sunaba Coffee every time I travel to the San-in region 😃.
Here is the official website of Sunaba Coffee and Starbucks Coffee in Tottori. Note: These sites are in Japanese.
鳥取県で検索した結果 | スターバックス コーヒー ジャパン
スターバックス コーヒー ジャパンの店舗を、住所・最寄駅・現在地などからお探しいただけます。
[新商品情報] 鳥取 がいな キャラメル クリーミー フラペチーノ®|スターバックス コーヒー ジャパン
鳥取県は『シャイなわたし 実は・・TOTTORI大好きだに!』をテーマに、様々な表情をみせる鳥取砂丘の魅力を表現しました。コーヒーとキャラメル、しっかりとした生乳の味わいが特長のフレッシュクリームを氷とブレンド。コクとクリーミーな味わいを楽しめるだけでなく、見た目に砂丘をイメージできるようにキャラメルソースで風紋のような模様を描きました。仕上げにキラキラと輝くゴールドシュガーをトッピングし、どこでも見えやすい流れ星を表現。ストローを指す位置によって香ばしいキャラメルの風味を楽しむことができ、濃厚な舌触りで高い満足感を得られる一杯です。
Map and details of Tottori Sand Dunes, 2164-661 Yuyama, Fukube-cho, Tottori-shi, Tottori 689-0105, Japan.
I've been to Tottori many times because the fish and other products are so delicious, but my child loves the Tottori sand dunes. I wish I could go there again!